A pioneering past

In 1974, a technician named Massimo Marchesini decided to leave his job as a mechanical builder to start his own business and pursue his dream of starting a company for the production of packaging machines. The first ideas and prototypes developed in the garage of his home in Pianoro, in the province of Bologna, where together with a group of young technicians he gave life to 2M. After the first projects for the realization of a vial machine, an automatic clipper for biscuits and a bagging machine, came the order of an alternate cartoning machine model BA50 for the well-known Gariboldi rice mill in Pavia. 

In the following decade, the story began to take on extraordinary contours: with the new BA 400, the first continuous cartoning machine with the carton magazine at the bottom to facilitate the work of the user, it was decided to aim higher and higher, without being afraid to think outside the box. Orders increased, as did collaborators, so much so that the company of a few people from which everything had started transformed: in 1989 Marchesini Group S.p.A. was born. Under a single brand, the acquisitions of artisan companies such as Gamma, Smabo, Packservice and Tonazzi were unified - small Made in Italy realities specialized in quality work in the packaging of blisters, in the filling of tubes and in the end of the line. Those first acquisitions favored a strong and immediate growth of the company. 

References no longer came only from the region but from all over Italy, then from Europe and then from the whole world, despite the productive structures having remained in the original territory. The new proportions and the spread of the first paradigms of Industry 4.0 required a more structured organization of processes. It was then that Maurizio - who in the meantime had taken over the reins of the company from his father Massimo - favored a further turning point: it was decided to design and produce internally the individual components of the automatic machines, allowing the Group to dominate the technological innovations of the time.