
Fondazione Marchesini ACT was founded in 2021, thanks to an idea of Valentina Marchesini, HR Manager of Marchesini Group.
“Its main goal is to build our future, taking care of people and realities around us, giving back to the territory what it has offered us in the last 50 years.”
The Foundation allowed the creation of a common vision through the social initiatives carried out by the company. Moreover, the pandemic enhanced the urgency to create a super partes entity able to reunite, under a common institutional stamp, the liberal grants made by the Marchesini family during the years.
Valentina Marchesini is the President of the Fondazione and is one of its founding members, together with Gaia, Matteo and Michelangelo Marchesini, all members of the family’s third generation. Maurizio and Marco Marchesini – respectively the President and the Industrial Director of Marchesini Group – are also founding members with their wives Marinella Alberghini and Catia Cavara.
Thanks to the "RUNTS" - the Italian national register of the voluntary sector -, the Foundation was classified as an “ETS” (Voluntary Entity) and started the distribution of grants.
Nowadays, Fondazione Marchesini ACT conveys messages of solidarity and mutual help. Its mission consists in helping the people and the territory, supporting Onlus and other specific projects through tangible actions in favor of innovation, research, sharing and love for the territory.
Why did we choose this name? ACT as “we act” and “act!”. The reason behind it is that - using Valentina’s words - “Those whom life bestowed with gifts must know how to give back at least some of what they were given”.
“It is time to solve the huge collective problems and we want to participate”.
Maurizio Marchesini