


Continous motion machine designed for printing a code on vials or on cap/seals with camera verification and verifying the correctness by means of a camera.

Different print positions of the code are possible: shoulder or body forvials; lateral or top side for cap/seals.
Main characteristics:

  • Possibility to install all the main vision and printing systems available on the market;
  • Inlet vials are transferred by a screw to the main starwheel where coding and checking operations are performed;
  • In the main starwheel the vials are hold by vacuum systems, thus ensuring the printing to be always in the same position with the maximum precision;
  • Automatic reject unit;
  • Vials collecting in trays (optional);
  • Automatic regulation of the printing head and camera height directly from the HIM (optional);
Speed: up to 24.000 pieces/h
Cartridges: 1 ml / 3 ml
Vials: 2R / 500ml

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Compila i campi obbligatori e aggiungi un messaggio specificando le informazioni di cui hai bisogno, ti ricontatteremo in tempi brevissimi.