2019 contribution: 1,000 euro
Patronage of the Community’s activities

The association charter illustrates its vocation: “Moved by the Spirit to follow Jesus, poor and servant, the members of the Community, in accordance with their vocation, commit themselves to directly sharing the life of the least of their brothers and sisters, sharing in their experiences and helping them bear their plight. They place their shoulder under their cross, accepting that they will be liberated by the Lord through them.” “Love for the poor, the life of whom we share, must extend to the point of removing the causes of need. For this reason, the Community undertakes a serious social commitment, through non-violent action, to building a fairer world and to being the voice of the voiceless.” The association members pursue this vocation by sharing the life of the poor and, more generally, by living a life of fraternity in the light of the Gospel, in a spirit of obedience and prayer. Every day and night the Bologna-based community meets increasing numbers of young women with a deep need for someone to notice them, and the Community’s efforts are aimed at giving them the opportunity to find rebirth in a new life. Thanks also to the Marchesini Group’s contribution, the Community can continue to meet these young women each week and welcome them to its facilities. In the words of Community founder Don Oreste Benzi “no woman is born a prostitute: there’s always a person or a situation that induce her to become one”. At the same time however, there is also someone who can set her free.