
When a child becomes ill the entire family gets sick; Bimbo Tu offers psychological support for children and their families, to help them feel at home in hospital: for Bimbo Tu the all-round support of children and
their families is a serene path of healing towards a disease-free future. During hospitalisation of children in the infant neurosurgery and neuropsychiatry departments of the Bellaria hospital of Bologna, the
mothers live in the hospital with the young patients while the rest of the family experiences the pain for the situation from a distance.
The Reception and Solidarity Services Hub for children, families and citizens is designed to function as a point of reference not only for the families of paediatric patients of the Bellaria Hospital but for the entire community of San Lazzaro and Bologna. The centre will be the fulcrum of a host of activities, benefiting from multi-purpose spaces, always devoting special attention to energy saving and sustainability from the environmental, social, economic, and health perspectives. The strengths of the Hub will be: Free access to the facility for the primary beneficiaries: families of sick children, with the aim of reducing the anguish, as far as possible, of parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, all of whom become involved in the illness of their loved one; Creation of activities and services for citizens. For example, with activation of after-school clubs and summer camps. Covering the cost of these services will make it possible to guarantee free access for the primary beneficiaries;
The creation of a space dedicated to the Risonanza Amica service: a mock-up Tesla zero field MRI toy that allows children to gain familiarity and confidence with the machine by playing with it and interpreting a role of fantasy in which the patient is the one in charge of proceedings. These three major strengths will be integrated in a virtuous circle that will allow the unprecedented creation of a space for connecting and swapping
stories that can help people experiencing the dramatic scenario of a seriously ill child to feel less alone. The Hub also provides an opportunity to bring these family units together and combat the breakdown of family ties.