2019 contribution: 1,500 euro
Sponsorship of the “PREVENTION OF OBESITY AND DIABETES” project
Fondazione Istituto di Scienze della Salute was set up in 2011 by Professor Enrico Roda, past full professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Bologna and director of the Gastroenterological operating unit of the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi polyclinic in Bologna. With the support of a group of founding partners, both institutional and private, Fondazione Istituto di Scienze della Salute promotes study and research activities with the primary objective of improving and maintaining health conditions and early identification of risk factors of disease. With the motto “watching and doing nothing is expensive and unacceptable”, the aims of the Institute are consistent with the guidelines of the World Health Organisation, with the “Guadagnare in Salute” programme of the Italian Ministry of Health and with the policies of various Regions and can be summarised mainly in two areas:
- promotion and diffusion of healthy lifestyles, healthy nutrition and physical activity by means of campaigns of awareness raising and engagement of private and public Institutions/Organisations for the prevention of neglected illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, coeliac disease, cancer, etc.
- scientific research in the agrifood sector, in collaboration and synergy with the business world, with the aim of funding research into the food/food supplements sector, covering the entire production chain, with special attention on so-called “functional” foods, meaning foods able to prevent or treat human diseases, engaging both the world of businesses and that of public institutions.