2019 contribution: 2,000 euro
Economic support for the activities of the “Dream Doctors”

The mission of the Theodora non-profit foundation is to support children in hospital and their families, offering counselling and an opportunity for emotional expression and play, with a visit by the “Dream Doctors”, professional artists hired and trained by the foundation to work in a paediatric hospital environment. Marchesini Group’s patronage has allowed the Dream Doctors to look after the “healthy part” of children in hospital, meaning the part that is always keen to play, fantasise and laugh. In Bologna, the foundation operates at
Policlinico S. Orsola Malpighi and the Bellaria hospital. On the worldwide level, Theodora is present in 7 countries in addition to Italy: Switzerland, France, UK, Spain, Belarus, Turkey and Hong Kong; in Italy, the organisation is present in 11 cities and 17 hospitals, benefiting more than 35 thousand children every year.