2019 contribution: 1,000 euro
Support for institutional activities

The La Mongolfiera non-profit organisation has the aim of recognising, promoting and empowering a culture of acceptance, of disabilities and of life that places the individual at the centre in his or her full dignity, right from the time of conception and regardless of the psychological and physical conditions of health and any conditions of distress. La Mongolfiera recognises the birth family, adoptive family or foster family as the entitled entity. The Association acts based on meeting the needs of each family to remove economic, regulatory and social obstacles that limit the freedom and well-being of disabled children or children in disadvantaged conditions and of their families.
La Mongolfiera aims to remove the barriers that prevent full development of the individual: from education to health, from free time to family life. To accomplish this objective, the association:
• supports and accompanies disadvantaged children and their families in all aspects of daily life, putting into practice tangible forms of assistance and sharing of needs;
• takes economic action in favour of families with disabled children or children affected by disorders of various types, to allow them to choose the most suitable school for their education without constraints.
The purpose of the payments and scholarships distributed by La Mongolfiera is to help families face the higher educational costs resulting from children with disabilities or suffering from distress.