2019 contribution: 5,000 euro
Sponsorship of the “Counselling centre” project

The Porta Aperta counselling centre in Carpi (Modena) is open for counselling four days a week, mornings and afternoons, operating as an important point of reference for the entire area. The personalised project is the type of relationship that a counselling centre must always seek to instigate with the people it meets. The aim of counselling is to share a path that assists people to acquire a greater level of awareness of their situation, recover their self-confidence and their trust of others, and build constructive relationships.
Working by projects means overcoming the logic of answering needs to act in a promotional perspective that places the individual in charge of seeking possible strategies to deal with the difficulties they are facing. Rather than simply a methodological issue, it is a way of thinking and acting based on recognition of the fact that each human need is associated with an existential dimension, and that each individual is different. Recognising the uniqueness and dignity of each individual, believing in their aspirations to grow and their
possibilities of evolving means helping to explain the situation they are experiencing even when no solutions or answers seem to be forthcoming.